Friday, 4 May 2012

GK Questions: city of Lebanon      :    Beirut
2.discovered vaccination for rabies   : Louis Pasteur
3.Army day :  January 15
4.First military expedition of jahangir region : mewar
5.Dark continent :  Africa
6.National highway connects delhi and Kolkata via Mathura and Varanasi : NH2
7.Founder of sathavahana kingdom : srimukha
8.Pre historic man called as :barbarian
9.Author of anand math : bankim Chandra cheterji
10.carnivores : flesh eating animals
11.Wife of shri rama Krishna parama hamsa : sarada matha
12.Major rubber producing state in India : kerala
13.Full name of mahatma Gandhi : Mohandas karamchandh Gandhi
14.In how many areas noble prizes are given : 6
15.How many languages recognized by Indian constitution as national languages :15
16.Disease caused by HIV virus :AIDS
17.which of the following is oldest construction :khajuraho
18.the sindhu and its tributaries are fall into sea :Arabian
19.Famous hill station in rajasthan is : mount abu
20.when was railway board constituted  : 1901
21.where did Buddha penance for 40 days : gaya
22.BARC :baba atomic research centre
23.Social reformer who was cause for legalizingre marriages of windows in 1856 :iswar Chandra vidya sagar
24.Sunrise fall straight on which of following days : march 21 and September 23
25.what was light emission theory that was published by c.v.raman :raman effect
26.sacred book of buddhism  :thripitakas
27.water freezing point :32^F
28.How long can take upper house to pass finance bill : 14 days
29.biggest state in area : a
a)rajasthan  b)Madhya Pradesh c)uttar Pradesh  d) Andhra Pradesh
30.pre historic is called as :stone age
31.when was insulin invented :1921
32.first battle of panipat was fought between the forces : babar and Ibrahim lodhi
33.largest post office in india : Mumbai
34.bodo language in which state :assam
35.medieval city of vijayanagar is now known as :hampi
36.when was internet invented :1968 of president who was unanimously elected : neelam sanjeev reddy
38.who is known as sculptor of constitution of india : b.r.ambedkar
39.stories of malgudi days were written by  : r.k.narayana
40.Birth place of lord Krishna is: dwaraka
41.who was among controversial  painter ,the nude paintings of hindu goddess :m.f.hussain
42.which of the following cities is not located on Varanasi-chennai rail route:d
a)vijaywada b)Nagpur c)Jabalpur d)Allahabad many anglo Indians are nominated to rajya sabha :12
44.maximum limit for members of assembly in sate :350
45.veda means :knowledge
46.jesse owne global award is given in the field of : sports
47.founder of Indus valley civilization :Dravidians
48.first plasi war took place: 1757
49.hyderabad was named as bhagyanagar in the memory of :bhagamathi
50.head quarter of international labour organization :jeniva
51.which space shuttle was (sent by America) failed and fell on earth : skylab
52.which of the following is largest country in world :Russia
53.emperor ashoka was belongs to which dynasty :maurya
54.oldest religion in the world : hindu
55.who was governor general started the first census in india : lord rippon
56.shelter for primitive man :caves
57.where is nabin Chandra bardoli indoor stadium :gauhathi
58.the book and famous movie devadas was written by :sarath Chandra chetterji
59.who was indra putra in pandavas : arjuna
60.who expounded the theory of advitha :sri adi shankaracharya
61.the famous of dal lake: Srinagar
62.what represents in Olympic flag :colors in national flags countries in the world of ravana who helped srirama :vibhishana
64.which was the capital of Andhra sathavahanas later considered to be paithan:pratishthana
65.doctors day is observed on : july 1
66.birth place of srirama :ayodhya
67.who is author of guide(book) :r.k.narayan
68.weapon used by mahatma Gandhi was :sathyagraham day was observed on :april 22 of external india :indira Gandhi
71.who proved that bacteria was found in air:Louis Pasteur many anglo Indians are nominated to loksabha :2
73.which Indian town did the british call seven pagodas  because the name was quite pronouncable to them:mahabalipuram
74.mother of mahathma Gandhi : puthli bai
75.which mosquito is cause of dengue fever :Egypt edis
76.which line divides india and Pakistan :radkliff
77.what is nearest planet to earth :venus
78.who was author of ritual book called brihithkatha : gunadhya
79.who is known as father of Indian space research :vikram sarabai
80.KLM airlines belongs to :Netherlands
81.who learned viluvidhya from parasu rama by introducing himself as Brahmin :karna
82.who among the following is associated with sitar :c
a)bheemsen joshi  b)jakir hussain  c)pandit ravi Shankar  d)chitti babu
83.ancient name of deccan plateau :dakshina patha
84.first animated movie :just grand maa and mee
85.when was all india harijan sangh  established :1932
86.mahathma Gandhi was killed by :nathuram godsay
87.script of Indus people is called:boustrophedon
88.bhutan capital :thimpu
89.the river that gets frequent floods :Brahmaputra
90.golden quadrilateral project is related to :national highways
91.NACO:national aids control organization
92.the word cue is associated with which game:billiards
93.Founder of brahma samaj was :raja rammohan roy
94.The book The post office was written by :rabindra nath tagore
95.Where do the sunrays leave in india :gujarath
96.Biman airlines is related to which of the following country :Bangladesh
97.How many rings are in Olympic logo :5
98.Himachal Pradesh day is observed on :april 15
99.Which was first Indian news paper :Bengal gazette
100.Who started home rule movement:annebesant
101.Who was mother of goutham Buddha:maya devi
102.korea(south) capital:seoul
103.The ruler who introduced the salivahana saka era,now being followed by the indian government was :kanishka
104.Who was author of book INDIKA :megasthenes
105.In which of the following sate petro chemical industries are well developed :Gujarat
a)Gujarat b)Bengal c)bihar d)Andhra Pradesh
106.By which act monopoly of east india company was terminated :charted act 1813
107.Who sleep long time in lanka :kumbakarna
108.birth place of goutham Buddha :lumbinivanam
109.which one of the following is called farmers friend :earthworm
110.Who was the first woman to cross English channel :miss arati saha
111.With which of the following sport Durand cup is associated :foot ball
112.smallest continent of the earth :Australia
113.German unification is observed on: October 3
114.Which was the larget lake in the world :caspian sea
115.Who was first foreign woman president of  “AICC” :annie besant
116.The earliest stone inscriptions in India were during the period of :ashoka
117.Which of the following is the highest of gallantry awards :ashoka chakra
118.oasis means :a place where water available in deserts
119.National highway between Mumbai and Chennai :NH4
120.The Indus rises near the :manasarovar lake
121.To which of the following age the Indus valley civilization belongs :metal age
122.Who was the sathavahana king conquered pataliputra :pulumavi
123.Rivers  the narmada and thapathi are fall into sea:Arabian sea
124.The famous hill station in rajasthan :mount abu
125.The earliest civilization in India which belonged to the metal age was :Indus valley
126.The term silly point is associated with :cricket
127.BARC:baba atomic research centre
128.The diesel locomotive works(DLW) is located in:Varanasi
129.How many countries  were participated in first Olympic held at Athens in 1896:14
130.What is the Icon of sravanabelagola (mahamastaka  abhishekam) gets anointed :bhagavan bahubali
131.Who proposed theory of light:nuton
132.Who among the following taught the doctrine of sunyatha :nagarjuna
133.The organ that pumps blood to the organs is:heart
134.How many anglo Indians are nominated to rajya sabha:12
135.Which is the first space shuttle:Colombia
136.Which is the major religion in srilanka :bhudhism
137.When was the first plasi took place:1757
138.hyderabad was named as bhagyanagar in the memory of :bhagamathi
139.Which space shuttle was (sent by America)failed and fell on the earth:skylab
140.Who was founder of all india harijan sabha:mahatma Gandhi
141.Which of the following group of countries is most famous for exporting wool and meat:Australia ,argentina and newzealand
142.oman capital city:muscat
143.The harmful gas which is sent out of the body:carbon dioxide
144.Who was founder of rama Krishna mission:Ramakrishna parama hansa
145.What is the insurance company founded by sir dorab tata in 1919:NIAC
146.How many constituencies are reserved for schedule casts in lok sabha elections:79
147.Who among  the following was transferred his capital from delhi to devagiri:mohd bin tuglaq
148.Who was god worshipped by Indus people:pasupathi
149.The backery item pijja related with which of the following country:Italy
150.Vitamin B2 is also called as:riboflavin
151.Who was first woman president of Indian national congress:annie besant
152.Which of the following capital of Maldives:male
153.Which was the largest mountain range in the world:andes,south America
154.The earliest stone inscriptions in india were during the period:ashoka
155.Which city in india is served by diamond harbour:Kolkata
156.International womens day:march 8th
157.Who is first president not related to political parties:a.p.j.kalam
158.chennai and Kolkata highway:NH5
159.Santhosh trophy :football
160.What was first talkie movie(1931):alam ara
161.Humayun nama was written during the reign of emperor akbar by:gulbadan begam
162.Which is the national highway connecting kanayakumari and Varanasi:NH7
163.When metal age was began :5000 B.C
164.What is the brightest star:Sirius
165.when india first time participated in Olympics:1900
166.Who wrote the book As I see:apj abdul kalam
167.Which of the following book  tells of the vedic  civilization:the rig veda
168.How the Russian space travelers are called:cosmonauts
169.Who was the mother of moghal emporer shahjahan:manmathi
170.Which of the following was the birth place of sri Krishna:madhura
171.What was the capital of Andhra sathavahanas later considered to be paithan:pratishthana
172.Who among the following  was the ancient writer belongs to Kashmir:kalhana
173.Which of the following is a cosmopolitan city:d
a.hyderabad b.delhi c.varanasi d.bangalore   
174.German unification day is observed on :October 3
175.The song vande matharam was from the book written by bakim Chandra cheterji:mother land
176.Which of the following company produces electronic voting machines:bharat electronics ltd,india
a)ecil,hyd b)wipro peripherals,bngl c)bharath computers ltd d)bel,india
177.What was the railway zone on western hills operating between roha to mangalore:konkan railways
178.Where do the rivers Krishna,godavary and kaveri are falls in:bay of Bengal
179.The alloy of metal with mercury is called:amalgam
180.What is the name of parliament of Bangladesh:jatia sansad
181.Which of the following vitamin deficiency causes the disease rickets:D
182.Who invented steam engine:james what
183.What was the name of inaugural stadium at Beijing for Olympics:bird nest national stadium
184.Which among was the host city for Olympics:Athens
a.rome b.athens c.spain
185.The day and night are equal on :equinoxes
186.Which ministry negotiates on behalf of india in WTO discussions:commerce and industry
187.Who did built buland darwaja:akbar
188.Where in the stone age man was lived:in caves
189.Goa liberation day is observed in:june 18
190.Who was the goddess worshipped by the Indus people:kali
191.In which city sathish dhavan space centre:sriharikota
192.When will speaker of loksabha cast his vote:when votes are equal(TIE)
193.The king who embraced Jainism and become a monk:Chandra gupta mourya
194.Himachal Pradesh day  is observed on:april 15
195.saudi Arabia capital city:Riyadh
196.The famous chamundeswari temple was situated in:rajasthan
197.The story of malgudi days were written by:R.K.Narayana
198.Who among the following was the ancient writer belongs to kashmir:kalhana
199.Where is bharat earth movers limited(BEML) located:Bangalore
200.Which of the following is the birth place of jesus Christ:bethelhem
201.The acronym PSU stands for:public sector under taking
202.The holy temple in north india for hindus is :Varanasi
203.The depth of ocean is measured in:pathams
204.Which of the following book written by shobha de:speed post
205.The land of midnight sun is:Norway
206.Which of the following was established by B.R.Ambedkar:all india scheduled castes federation
207.Earthquake is caused by:adjustment of layers of earth’s crust
208.One of the following Indians is regarded as an ancient doctor:charaka
a.J.C.Bose b.C.V.Raman c.M.S.Swaminathan d.charaka
209.Where is chepauk stadium:Chennai
210.K2 mountain is in the ranges of:karakoram
211.Who won the gold medal for india in individual events in entire Olympics history:abhinav bindra
212.Who founded red cross:henry dunant
213.The writing of amritha pritham were in which language:Punjabi
214.Mahathma Gandhi was killed on:30th jan,1948
215.Who wrote the book midnights children which was selected for prestigious “booked award”:salmond rashdi
216.Which country designed the motto of Olympic games:france
217.The book wings of fire is  biography of:abdul kalam
218.second largest port in india:Chennai
219.Which of the following forests are called sundarbans:mada forests in west Bengal
220.Which of the following is birth place of narmada and thapathi:vindhyas
221.Where is diesel-loco modernization works located:Patiala
222.The revolt of 1857 was started by:the sepoys
223.Spice cup is associated with which of the following sports:chess
224.Who will appoint the comptroller and auditor general of india:president
225.Which of the following year was celebrated as the international childrens year:1979
226.What is the coldest planet:Neptune
227.Where is the head quarter of national institute of water sports:goa
228.The southern most tip of india is:kanya kumara
229.What is the largest prison in india:tihar jail,new delhi
230.The needs of bhilai and rurkela steel plants are served by port:vizag
231.Who was the charioteer to karna in the battle of kurukshethra:salya
232.largest desert in india:thar
233.largest wall in the world:the wall of china
234.On whose birthday national sports day is observed:dhyan singh
235.International customs day is observed on :January 26
236.The book raghu vansha was written by :kalidas
237.Which was the period of Indus civilization:BC 2300-1750
238.What is the largest planetarium in india:birla planetarium,Kolkata
239.PSLV:polar satellite launching vehicle
240.Which is the least populated continent:b
a.australia b.antarctica c.south america
241.Who wrote the book budha charitha:aswagosha
242.Who was the governer general of india when country became independent:lord mountbatten
243.Which of the following is a negative result of scientific knowledge and modernization:radiation
244.Who was wife of sri rama Krishna parama hansa:sarada matha
245.german unification day is observed on :October 3
246.Where was gouthama Buddha got niryan:kusinagar
247.When was civil services introduced in india:1854
248.Who was the creator of non-aliegn movement:jawahar lal Nehru
249.goutham Buddha died at:kusinagar
250.What was the relation of supanaka to ravana in Ramayana:sister
251.The highest peak in nilagiri is called:dodabetta
252.Which of the following rivers is not born in Himalayas:Krishna
253.Who was the political guru of M.K.Gandhi:gopal krishna gokhale
254.Where is the largest oil refinery in india:madhura
255.Where are the head quarters of central railway zone:Mumbai
256.Who was the largest producer of manganese and mica in the world:india
257.Study of newly born upto the age of 3 months is called:neonatology
258.Who built the temple of bruhadiswara at tanjavore:raja raju
259.Which was the capital of ikshvakus:vijayapuri
260.The brahmaputhra flows to a large extend through:assam
261.Which of the following is the color of fire service vehicle:red
262.The song vande mataram was from the book written by bakim Chandra cheterji:mother land
263.Who can dissolve rajya sabha:d
a.president b.loksabha minister  d.none
264.Which of the following is invented by J.C.bose:cresco graph
265.Who was the first woman to climb to mount everest:bachendri pal
266.Which of the following  chemicals was used in rockets to avoid rainfall on inauguration day of Olympic on Beijing stadium:silver iodide
267.Which of the following is used for measuring the speed of wind:anemometer
268.Who described the war of 1857 as first war of independence:v.d.savarkar
269.Where is central office of asian development bank:manila
270.First asian games were held in:new delhi
271.what was the former capital of Orissa state:katak
272.The main teachings of Buddha are called:arya satyas or noble
273.Which of the following metals were not used by the Indus people:iron
a.iron b.bronze d.copper
274.long walk to freedom is a book written by:nelson Mandela
275.Which bank installed the worlds first automatic cash dispenser or ATM in 1967:Barclays bank
276.Who was the first president of U.S.A:George  washinton
277.How many squares are on the chess board:64
278.Who was the author of mahabashya:pathanjali
279.Maximum number of members of rajya sabha is:250
280.Federal reserve is the financial organization of the :USA
281.Who was the founder of viswa bharathi university:ravindra nath tagore
282.indonesia capital city:jakartha
283.In how many parts(adhyaya) that the bhagavath geetha was divided:18
284.International day against drug and illicit trafficking is observed on:jun26
285.UAE capital city:abu dhabi
286.After leaving the congress,subhash Chandra bose formed,in 1939,his own  party named:forward bloc
287.In which language bible was first written:hibru
288.What is the full name of CCMB a research centre having its head quarters at Hyderabad:the center for cellular and molecular biology
299.In India which mineral produces highest energy:coal
300.South pole is located in the continent of:antarctica
301.What is the name of mahathma Gandhi Samadhi:raj ghat
302.Where nuclear experiments are done in India:pokran
303.The bird which informed about sitha , when sita was kidnapped by ravanasura:jatayuvu
304.Which of the following fuel is used in rockets:liquid hydrogen
305.The state where was first time presidential rule imposed:Punjab
306.What is the name of Bangladesh parliament:jatia sansad
307.Who invented steam engine:james what
308.Nearest planet to earth:venus
309.Who is known as father of Indian space research:vikram sarabai
310.Whic of the following fibres is least prone to fire:cotton
311.B.C.G vaccine is used for prevention of which disease in children:none
a.poliomyelities b.tuberculosis c.cholera d.none
312.Which of the following is the most important producer of cloves in the world:zanizibar
a.zanizibar b.zimbabwe c.zaire d.uganda
313.Who was the founder of sunga dynasty:pushya mitra sunga
314.Which of the following metropolitan city is not connected with the golden quadrilateral Indian railways project:Bangalore delhi b.mumbai c.bangalore d.kolkata
315.Which of the following planet was excluded from the solar family:Pluto
316.CAG:comptroller and auditor-general
317.Which metallic element was abundant in earth crust:aluminium
318.With which of the following sports uber cup is associated:badminton
319.Which of the following is not north Indian river :kaveri
320.Earth day is observed on:april 22
321.Who is author of external india:indira Gandhi
322.Who wrote the book india wins freedom:moulana abul kalam azad
323.Who was the founder of Indian national congress:a.o.hume
324.The parts of ramayanaare called as:khanda
325.Where is indira Gandhi nuclear research centre:kalapakam
326.The remains of Indus valley civilization are found in:mohandaro and Harappa
327.Hiroshima day is observed on:august 6
328.Which country’s parliament has highest number of members:china
329.Who is wife of ravana in Ramayana:mandodari
330.The man built object on the earth that we can see from the moon:the great wall of china
331.Bhutan national day is observed on:dec 17
332.ancient name of tamilnadu:dravida desa
333.In which muslim festival the sheep is sacrificed:bakrid
334.Where are the headquarters of central organization for railway electrification (CORE):Allahabad
335.Who built mahabalipuram temples:narasimha verma
336.The highest award in india:bharath ratna
337.Where is national forest research institute located:dehradun
338.Where did budha give his first sermon:saranath
339.When did jalianwala baghs tragedy took place:1919
340. Who was the founder of sunga dynasty:pushya mithra sunga
341.Who among the following taught the doctrine of sunyatha:nagarjuna
342.Which is the first space shuttle:Colombia
343.Who invented input device mouse:douglas engelbart
344.IPO is an instrument for transferring money.IPO means:Indian postal order
345.largest port in the world:new York
346.The length of the bowling crease in cricket is:8 feet and 8 inches
347.Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of U.S.A
348.Who was the first Indian batsman to score hundred in ODI :kapil dev
349. Statue of liberty is given by to America:france
350.Which of the following place is called the land of five rivers:Punjab
351.Which is the birth place of mahathma Gandhi:porubandhar
352.Who was the author of Indian constitution:dr B.R.ambedkar
353.What is the distance to be covered in marathon race:26 miles and 385 yards
354.Flag day is observed on:December 7
355.When was first plasi war took place:1757
356.Who was the founder of all india harijan sabha:mahathma Gandhi
357.Who was the charioteer to karna in the battle of kurukshetra:salya
358.International customs day:January 26
359.The book raghu vansha was wriiten by:kalidas
360.The river thungabhadhra is a tributary to river:Krishna
361.PSLV:polar satellite launching vehicle

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