Friday, 24 February 2012


  1. Satavahanas were also called Salivahanas and satakarnis.
  2. According to MATSYA purana there were 29 rulers in the SATAVAHANA dynasty. 
  3. the satavahanas thus assumed an all india significance as imperial rules in succession to the Nandas,Mauryas,Sungas and Kanvas.
  4. SIMUKHA, the founder of the satavahana dynasty.
  5. dharanikota near Amaravati in guntur district was the first capital of SIMUKHA, but later he shifted his capital to PRATISHTANA(paithan in aurangabad district.).
  6. Satakarni 2, the sixth ruler of the dynasty (184 B.C.) was an able ruler who extended his kingdom to the west by conquering MALWA.
  7. SATAKARNI 2 ruled for a long period of 56 years.
  8. According to inscriptional evidence, he extended the boundaries of his realm far into centrel india across the Vidhyas, perhaps up to the river Ganges.
  9. PULUMAVI 1, the 17th Satavahana king.
  10. Goutamiputra Satakarni , the 23rd ruler of Satavahana Dynasty.

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